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3 Day Pack

3 Day Pack Inventory

  • Underwear
  • Socks
  • Shoe laces (I don’t carry these, I use 550 cord in an emergency)
  • Uniform (I carry an extra blouse only)
  • 1-2 extra Tee Shirts
  • MREs (2-3 days worth)
  • Instant coffee or tea bags. (Drink mixes, like Crystal lite, are also good to have.)
  • Powdered milk. (I don’t drink milk, so I don’t pack this.)
  • Power bars or peanut butter. Peanut butter in small cups are available and are great to have around. I usually have one open all the time and take a finger full or two periodically to keep me going. I also carry 2-3 5 Hour Energy bottles.
  • Rope and/or 550 (parachute) cord
  • Duck tape – small roll (can be used for medical emergencies too)
  • Neoprene and/or latex gloves (I prefer neoprene, more durable)
  • Knife or multi-tool (Workman) (I carry both, and a big knife, K-bar)
  • Flashlight (& spare batteries) (at least 1!)
  • Tie-wraps, assorted sizes.
  • Some sandwich and quart sized plastic bags.
  • Extra trash bags. (Can be used for trash or even weather protection.)
  • Bug spray/repellent
  • Sun screen, SPF 25 or better.
  • First aid kit
Listerine (great antiseptic for all kinds of usage)
Aspirin and Tylenol
Nitroglycerin pills (prescription)
Water purification tablets (make sure you know how to use these)
Tums or other stomach pills. Imodium is also good to have.
Any medications you need, 3-5 days worth
Medical tape
Small pair of scissors
Sewing thread and needles (for clothes or people)
Mole skin or other blister remedies

  • Soap and/or shampoo. Soap is usually enough.
  • Talcum powder
  • Toilet paper and paper towels. Use toilet paper rolls with most of the paper gone for maximum compression. Paper towels can be vacuum wrapped.
  • Handi-wipes or baby wipes, individually wrapped. (you’ll thank me for this one!)
  • Razor
  • Shaving cream
  • Comb or hairbrush
  • Spare glasses
  • Binoculars
  • Compass or GPS
  • Personal items as needed (toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, floss)
  • Small Towel
  • Work gloves
  • Waterproof matches, lighter or other fire starter (I also soak cotton balls in vegetable oil to use as a fire starter.)
  • Maps (as needed, put in waterproof container)
  • Small pad and pencil. Waterproof are preferred.
  • Poncho (If you don’t have one of these, get one. You can use them for bad weather and as an emergency tent or shelter. A poncho liner is also handy as bedding.)
  • Small portable radio (If you have a ham handheld with AM/FM coverage, better yet)
  • Bed roll or inflatable mattress. Remember you are going to have to blow it up every night, so plan accordingly.
  • Optional – pup tent half or backpacking tent. Only for extended outings. Otherwise, the poncho will do for a night or two.

Some tips & ideas

1.     Pack the things you are most likely to need first or most often in the top pouch or the side pockets.
2.     Line the backpack with a trashbag and close up the top when you are done to waterproof it all. Also put zip lock bags in the side pockets with the stuff in it.
3.     Pack clothes in a vacuum sealer, if  you have one. In addition to water proofing, it will also compact it.
4.     Be sure to field strip MREs.
5.     You can create your own MREs by using bags of tuna fish, canned meat, etc. Don’t put anything perishable in the MREs. Be sure to include some high energy, i.e. sugary, items, like candy bars, jelly, etc.
6.     Put some extra trash bags in for re-packing or other uses. You can never have too many of these. In an emergency, you can make a tent out of trash bags. Or, you can wear them to protect yourself against the weather.
7.     Don’t put fragile items in top pouch or side pockets. Packs do get thrown around.
8.     I usually pack clothes and MREs on the bottom, since you don’t usually need these until you bivouac somewhere, and can un-pack and re-pack your bag. If you think you will need an MRE before you bivouac, put it in the top of the bag or the top of the pouch.
9.     Tie wraps, zip locks and twist ties are your friends. Take lots of them.
1. Be sure to have plenty of hydration, a camelback, or several canteens. Keep them filled whenever you get the chance.